SEO Audit Service / Analysis

From Tryseo

SEO Audit Services Price Cost One Off


With this service, we conduct a comprehensive check of the website or eshop in terms of SEO technical issues and provide the client with the results in a format they can understand, especially if they have built the website themselves. The report we provide is somewhat technical in nature.

An SEO audit for a site can uncover various issues that need correction, and the time required to address them depends on the platform the site was built on, the way it was created, and the number of pages it has. In this specific service, we provide the report with the necessary detail for someone to work on the issues we find.

We do not recommend solutions, and we do not implement them. If the client wishes us to do so, we proceed with the project as an additional service related to an SEO optimization service package that we offer.


If you already have a website or ecommerce website on any of the following platforms:
Joomla Woocommerce

We can undertake the SEO fully. We also take care of the changes required for technical issues, as well as new design or landing page experience aspects on your website.

In addition, with the delivery of the SEO audit report, we provide our opinion to the client regarding the state of their website and the time needed for corrections based on our experience.


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